Welcome to Words of Peace Australia and the South Pacific.

Prem Rawat visits the South Pacific region regularly, speaking to a variety of audiences about peace and wellbeing.

This website is designed to connect people with local resources supporting Prem Rawat’s message via events, television, videos and initiatives around the South Pacific region. 

Our efforts in this region are inspired by Prem Rawat’s simple and unique message:

“That peace is a human necessity, that peace is possible, and that it begins with each of us.”

Sharing this message of peace with the world has been Prem Rawat’s life’s work. For nearly six decades he has been travelling extensively, addressing audiences and helping to change lives for the better.

The Peace Education Program is a free interactive series developed by The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF).  It is available to any groups, organisaitons or individuals interested in learing more about Prem Rawat’s message.

The Words of Peace series on TV may be returning soon!  We’ll keep you posted.

A full range of websites connected with Prem Rawat’s work around the globe can be found on i4Joy. We have also included a sample of these below, including The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) which develops and distributes the Peace Education Program globally.

Peace Education Program (PEP)

Peace Education Program (PEP)

The Peace Education Program (PEP) is an innovative media-based educational program to help participants develop positive life skills, discover innate strengths and understand the possibility of attaining personal peace.

PEP is run in various settings in the South Pacific Region – for example community organisations, correctional facilities and schools and universities.

Developed by the Prem Rawat Foundation, these customised workshops are non-religious and non-sectarian. There are 10 Themes: Peace, Appreciation, Inner Strength, Self-Awareness, Understanding, Clarity, Dignity, Choice, Hope and Contentment.

This free interactive series is available to any individuals interested in learning more about Prem Rawat’s message. Please register here to express interest in attending the course. Please note: This is a placeholder Zoom registration.  We’ll email you a Zoom Link with the actual times and options when they are available.

Ivory’s Rock Foundation supports a range of regional and local initiatives that focus on the human potential for peace and well-being. It provides a platform for live events in Australia with Prem Rawat as keynote speaker.

Another of its important functions is the development of the Peace Education Program (PEP) in Australian correctional and community facilities.

Words of Peace Global is a charity set up by those inspired by Prem’s message of peace. Its aim is to share Prem’s message by providing clear information on upcoming events and the ways to support them financially.

The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) was set up as a non-profit foundation in 2001. Since then the foundation has run a wide variety of programmes and initiatives fulfilling its mission: to address the fundamental human need for food, water, and peace. The Peace Education Program (PEP) is a key TPRF initiative. A range of Australian correctional facilities are currently running the PEP.  Below is a TPRF video highlighting Prem’s 2017 visit to Wolston Correctional Facility in Queensland.

Premrawat.com is Prem Rawat’s own website. You can view more videos from Prem Rawat’s own channel on YouTube

Wherever you find yourself on your journey towards realising inner peace and self-fulfilment, this website has the tools and resources you need to stay focused.” – Prem Rawat

Prem Rawat Teaches Self-Knowledge: Techniques to Experience Personal Peace
Prem Rawat teaches a simple method to help turn your senses from the outside world to an inner experience of peace, an experience unique to each person. He offers guidance and practical tools he calls the “techniques of Self-Knowledge”, or just “Knowledge.” Practicing these empowering techniques daily helps you to better understand your true self, revealing an ever-evolving experience of heartfulness and contentment.

For enquiries or feedback regarding the information on this site, email us at:

Postal Address:

Ivory’s Rock Foundation 
PO Box 371
Mt Ommaney, QLD 4047


  • 1300 303 169 (Australia)
  • 0800 23 33 23 (NZ)
  • 338 2961 (Fiji)

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